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Saerchify by Omega Theme

After you installed this app you will be redirect to admin page to configure the app.


⭐️  How to manage product’s fields in searching result?

Step 1: Go to Products tab > Choose Product Fields.

Step 2: Click Enable/Disable button to change matched field’s status.

Product’s information can only be shown in searching result when it is in “Enable” mode.




⭐️  How to manage store’s collections:

Step 1: Go to Collections tab

Step 2: Click Active/Hidden button on the right side to change collection’s mode

Collection can only be shown in searching result when that collection is in “Active” mode.





⭐️ How to manage store’s pages?

Step 1:  Go to Pages tab

Step 2: Click Hidden/Active to change page’s status.

Only pages which is in Active mode can be shown in searching result.





⭐️ How to setup product’s searching result on toolbar?


Step 1:  Go to Products tab > Custom Product Search.

Step 2:  Choose either List View or Grid View to start setting which product’s information can be shown.

Step 3: Click “Save” to save setup information

List View


Grid View


Step 4: You can check the preview of searching result by filling a product’s name into searching bar on the right side.


⭐️ If you want to setup the display result in searching result page?

Step 1: Go to Products tab > Custom Product Result.

Step 2: You can set how searching result will be shown on result page.

Step 3: Click “Save” to save the setup information.

 Step 4: You can have a preview by clicking in the “View all” link at the bottom of searching bar.





⭐️ If you want to setup filter tool for the searching page:

Step 1: Choose tab Filter

Step 2: You can setup which filter tool can be used on searching page.

Step 3: If you enable the Show Price filter then you have to setup product’s price range by adding information in price range form.




⭐️ How Searchify works on your store:


1: Fill the searching key word into searching bar, the system will show result suggestions immediately.



2: Submit searching information, the system will jump to result page according to added key word.



3: In result page, you can select the searched products according to available filters.

4: Click the buttons on the right side on top to change product’s layout.